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Praxis Education of Young Children (5024) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

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Praxis Education of Young Children - Free Test Sample Questions

Hands on experiments help develop what type of intelligence?

Correct Answer:
hands-on experiments are particularly effective in developing kinesthetic intelligence. this type of intelligence, also known as bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, refers to the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. this intelligence also involves a sense of timing, a clear sense of the goal of a physical action, along with the ability to train responses so they become automatic.

howard gardner, who proposed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983, identifies kinesthetic intelligence as one of the distinct categories. people with strong kinesthetic intelligence are generally adept at physical activities such as dancing, athletics, surgery, crafts, and other tasks requiring good motor coordination. these individuals learn best through doing and engaging directly with their environment, making hands-on experiments an ideal method to enhance their learning.

in contrast, musical intelligence involves sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, meter, tone, melody, and timbre, whereas visual intelligence pertains to the ability to visualize objects and dimensions accurately and to create internal images and pictures. logical intelligence (or logical-mathematical intelligence) revolves around the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. although all these intelligences benefit from interactive and engaging learning environments, kinesthetic intelligence is specifically nurtured through tactile learning and physical engagement with materials and the surrounding world.

hands-on experiments provide kinesthetic learners with the physical interaction that is crucial for their cognitive development. these activities often require students to construct, manipulate, or physically engage with learning materials, thereby fostering their kinesthetic intelligence by aligning with their natural inclinations and strengths. for example, building a model, conducting laboratory experiments, or assembling mechanical devices can significantly enhance a kinesthetic learner's understanding and retention of information.

therefore, while all types of intelligences benefit from tailored educational approaches that cater to their unique needs, hands-on experiments are particularly effective in developing kinesthetic intelligence due to their emphasis on physical activity and direct manipulation of objects. this method not only helps kinesthetic learners absorb and process information more effectively but also increases their motivation and engagement in the learning process.

Which of the following early childhood programs integrates the arts into all curriculum, promoting children's imagination and multiculturalism through the study of myths, lores, and fairy tales?

Correct Answer:

the correct answer to the question is waldorf. waldorf education, also known as steiner education, is based on the educational philosophy of rudolf steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. this educational framework emphasizes the role of imagination in learning and aims to integrate holistically the intellectual, practical, and artistic development of students.

waldorf education is distinctive in its rich incorporation of the arts in the curriculum. from the earliest years, children in waldorf schools engage in a wide variety of arts, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and drama. this artistic approach is not merely supplemental but is woven into every subject, including mathematics and sciences, fostering a balanced development of the cognitive, emotional, and creative capacities of the child.

moreover, waldorf education places a strong emphasis on multiculturalism and the nurturing of an appreciation for the diverse cultures and traditions of the world. this is achieved through the study of various cultural myths, folklore, and fairy tales. these stories are not only presented as literary studies but are also celebrated through festivals, performances, and art, making them a lived experience for the students.

the teaching methods in waldorf schools are designed to resonate with the developmental stages of children, moving from an education of the will in the early years, through the feelings in middle childhood, to an emphasis on intellectual understanding in adolescence. this developmental approach helps to cultivate not only knowledgeable but also well-rounded and creative individuals who value diversity and the interconnectedness of all life.

overall, the waldorf program's unique integration of the arts, focus on imagination, and commitment to multicultural education through myths and stories make it a distinctive choice for parents seeking a holistic and arts-rich education for their children.