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TExES Core Subjects EC-6 (391) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free TExES Core Subjects EC-6 - All Subtests (391) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official Texas Educator Certification Program content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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TExES Core Subjects EC-6 - All Subtests - Free Test Sample Questions

Maria, a student in your third grade class, is struggling in her reading and content area subjects.  You want to know which aspects of reading are giving her difficulty. Which type of assessment could you administer?

Correct Answer:
diagnostic test

to identify which aspects of reading are challenging for maria, a third-grade student struggling in her reading and content area subjects, the most suitable type of assessment is a diagnostic test. unlike norm-referenced tests, which compare a student's performance to that of peers, diagnostic tests focus specifically on what a student knows and does not know. this specificity makes them invaluable for understanding individual learning needs.

diagnostic tests are designed to delve into detailed aspects of a student’s knowledge base and skill level in specific areas. they can help pinpoint exact skills or concepts that a student has not yet mastered. for example, in the context of reading, a diagnostic test can assess a range of competencies such as phonemic awareness, decoding skills, comprehension, and vocabulary knowledge.

these tests are generally administered individually, allowing the teacher to observe closely and understand specific areas where a student may need additional support. the detailed feedback from diagnostic tests is crucial for tailoring instruction that addresses each student's unique challenges. this contrasts with norm-referenced and other formal tests that might provide a broader overview of student performance but lack the granularity needed to formulate targeted instructional interventions.

therefore, in maria's case, a diagnostic test would be particularly beneficial. it would not only identify the specific reading skills that need improvement but also guide the teacher in planning effective, personalized learning experiences. this targeted approach can significantly enhance maria's reading skills and overall academic performance.