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TExES Core Subjects EC-6 - Science (904) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Free Test

Our free TExES Core Subjects EC-6 - Science (904) Practice Test was created by experienced educators who designed them to align with the official Texas Educator Certification Program content guidelines. They were built to accurately mirror the real exam's structure, coverage of topics, difficulty, and types of questions.

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TExES Core Subjects EC-6 - Science - Free Test Sample Questions

A creative Kindergarten teacher is explaining the seasons to her class. She shows them a beach ball and tells the class that this is the earth.She puts a happy face sticker on the ball and tells the children that it represents the position of our class on the earth. She has a volunteer stand in the middle of her learning circle (the students grouped on the carpet) and tells them that her volunteer is going to act like the sun. She then does one of the following actions. Which one is accurate for teaching the reason for the seasons?

the correct answer is:
she walks around the volunteer in an ellipsis tilting the happy face toward and away from the volunteer as she moves.

the seasons are caused by the tilt and revolution of the earth around the sun.  the distance of the earth from the sun does not determine the seasons.  the earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical pattern.  the tilt of the sun also influences the length of days and nights.  when the northern hemisphere has equal days and nights, it is the vernal equinox (march 21) or the autumnal equinox (september 23.)  complex science concepts are often explained with simple demonstrations at the developmental level of the students.