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VCLA Writing (092) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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VCLA Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment - Writing Sample Test

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Directions: In the sentence below, select the underlined portion that contains an error.

Researchers have found that eating more frequent during the day may lower “bad” cholesterol levels in middle-aged and older adults.

Correct Answer:
more frequent
in the given sentence, the error lies in the underlined segment "more frequent." the confusion here involves the improper use of an adjective where an adverb is required.

the segment "more frequent" mistakenly uses the adjective form "frequent" instead of the adverb form "frequently." adjectives describe nouns, whereas adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. in this sentence, the word needing modification is "eating," which is a verb. therefore, the correct form of the word to use is "frequently," which is an adverb.

the corrected portion of the sentence should read "eating more frequently during the day." this correction ensures that the sentence grammatically aligns with the intended meaning, which is that the action of eating is occurring with greater frequency. thus, "more frequently" accurately describes how often the eating occurs.

to summarize, the error in the sentence involves using an adjective ("frequent") instead of the necessary adverb ("frequently") to modify the verb "eating." correcting "more frequent" to "more frequently" resolves the adverb-adjective confusion and clarifies that the frequency pertains to the action of eating.

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