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WEST-E English Language Learners (051) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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WEST-E English Language Learners Sample Test

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Mrs. Rayburn has a number of ESOL students in her social studies class. The class has just finished a unit on the three branches of the federal government. Which of the following assessments would be appropriate to measure what ESOL students have learned in this unit?

Correct Answer:
achievement assessment

in the context of mrs. rayburn's social studies class, where the students have completed a unit on the three branches of the federal government, the appropriate type of assessment to measure the esol students' understanding of the content is the achievement assessment. this type of assessment is specifically designed to evaluate the knowledge and skills that students have acquired from a particular instructional unit, in this case, the structure and functions of the u.s. government.

achievement assessments differ from other types of assessments in several key ways. proficiency assessments, for instance, focus primarily on evaluating language skills and fluency, not on content knowledge. therefore, they would not provide accurate information about the students’ comprehension of the social studies material. while proficiency assessments are crucial in an esol context, they serve a different purpose — assessing language development rather than content understanding.

formative assessments, another type often used in educational settings, are typically implemented during the learning process. they help teachers identify students' strengths and weaknesses and adjust instruction accordingly. although formative assessments are vital for guiding instruction and providing ongoing feedback, they are not necessarily the best tool for measuring the final outcome of learning after a unit is completed.

summative assessments, on the other hand, are used to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional period by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. these are comprehensive and are aimed at accounting for all the material covered. while summative assessments could be used in this scenario, they are broader in scope and include evaluating learning over a more extended period, often encapsulating multiple topics or units.

thus, the achievement assessment is the most suitable choice for mrs. rayburn to determine what the esol students have specifically learned about the three branches of the federal government. this type of assessment will directly measure their understanding of the unit’s content, ensuring that the assessment aligns with the instructional objectives of the unit. by focusing on the unit's specific learning goals, mrs. rayburn can effectively gauge the success of her teaching and the students' learning, providing a clear picture of their academic progress in the context of the unit studied.

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