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WEST-E Family And Consumer Sciences Education (041) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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WEST-E Family And Consumer Sciences Education Sample Test

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Which parenting technique is most likely to cause children to have low self-esteem issues?

Correct Answer:
acceptance and rejection
the parenting technique of "acceptance and rejection" is identified as most likely to cause children to develop low self-esteem issues. this approach involves parents inconsistently showing acceptance or rejection towards their child based on the child's behavior or achievements. here's an expanded explanation of why this method can negatively impact a child's self-esteem:

at the core of the acceptance and rejection technique is the conditional approval of a child by the parent. when children feel that their worth and the love they receive are contingent upon their actions, they may struggle to understand their intrinsic value. if acceptance is tied to specific behaviors or successes, children may feel they are only valuable or lovable when they meet certain standards. this can lead to constant anxiety about losing parental approval with every perceived failure or shortcoming.

the inconsistency in parental responses can create a sense of instability in the child's emotional environment. if children are uncertain about what will elicit a positive or negative response from their parents, they may feel perpetually insecure and anxious. this unpredictability in emotional support makes it difficult for children to develop a stable sense of self-esteem. they might continuously question their abilities and worth because they lack a consistent foundation of acceptance and support from their caregivers.

furthermore, when acceptance is withdrawn as a form of punishment or disapproval, children can internalize the rejection deeply. they might start believing that they are inherently unlovable or inadequate, particularly in cases where they fail to meet their parents' expectations. this can have long-lasting effects on their confidence and self-image, extending into adolescence and adulthood, potentially manifesting as issues in relationships and personal development.

healthy self-esteem is fostered in an environment where children feel unconditionally loved and accepted. they need to know that their value is not based on achievements or compliance but is inherent. providing consistent rules and emotional support, alongside clear communication of family values, helps children develop a secure and positive self-image. it reassures them that they are valued and loved regardless of their successes or failures, which is crucial for their emotional and psychological development.

therefore, it is important for parents to avoid a parenting approach that swings between acceptance and rejection based on the child’s behavior. instead, adopting a more consistent and supportive parenting style can help nurture a child’s self-esteem and overall emotional health. this involves not only setting clear expectations but also offering consistent love and support that does not waver with the child's fluctuating behaviors or achievements.

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