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WEST-NES General Science (311) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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WEST-NES General Science Sample Test

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Who is credited with discovering microorganisms which he called “Wee Beasties” in his accounts?

Correct Answer:
van leeuwenhoek.

the individual credited with the discovery of microorganisms, which he affectionately termed “wee beasties,” is antony van leeuwenhoek. he made this discovery in the late 17th century, dramatically expanding the boundaries of biological science.

van leeuwenhoek, a dutch tradesman and scientist, was not formally schooled in the sciences yet contributed significantly through his curious nature and meticulous observations. he designed and built his own microscopes, which were simple yet powerful, consisting of a single lens mounted on a brass plate. these microscopes were significantly more powerful than others available at the time, some capable of magnifying objects up to 275 times.

through his microscopes, van leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe and describe single-celled organisms, including bacteria, sperm cells, blood cells, and protozoa. he documented these observations in detailed letters to the royal society of london. in one of his letters, he described seeing tiny organisms in a drop of water, which he famously called “wee beasties.” over time, he referred to these creatures as “animalcules,” a term indicating tiny animals. today, these entities are known as microorganisms, a foundational concept in microbiology.

antony van leeuwenhoek’s work laid the groundwork for the field of microbiology, and his discoveries challenged the prevailing medical theories of his time, ultimately leading to significant advances in biological science. his ability to observe life at such a small scale opened up a whole new world of scientific inquiry. therefore, the correct answer to the question is antony van leeuwenhoek.

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