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WEST-E Technology Education (40) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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WEST-E Technology Education Sample Test

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The approach that is used to encode text to represent information entered via a computer keyboard is which of the following?

Correct Answer:
the approach that is used to encode text to represent information entered via a computer keyboard is ascii. cii. ascii stands for american standard code for information interchange. it is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ascii codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices that use text. most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ascii, although they support many additional characters. ascii was originally developed from telegraphic codes. its first commercial use was as a seven-bit teleprinter code promoted by bell data services. work on the ascii standard began on october 6, 1960, with the first edition being published in 1963. the standard was updated in 1967 to define a 7-bit code, allowing 128 different characters—33 control characters, and 95 printable characters including the space. the ascii table includes control characters such as the null character (0x00), which has no visual representation but is used in programming and data processing to signify the end of a string. the printable characters include digits (0-9), uppercase letters (a-z), lowercase letters (a-z), punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. each character in ascii is assigned a unique 7-bit binary number. for example, the ascii code for uppercase 'a' is 65, which is represented in binary as 01000001. this simple encoding mechanism makes it easy to input text into a computer using a keyboard, as each key press corresponds to a specific ascii code that the computer software can understand and process. ascii is crucial because it allows computers to store and manipulate text as numbers, which are fundamental to computer systems. each character typed on a keyboard is converted into its corresponding ascii code that the computer can then store or manipulate. for instance, when you type a letter, the keyboard sends a signal to the computer that corresponds to the ascii code of that letter, which is then processed accordingly by the software. in summary, ascii is a pivotal standard in computing that facilitates the representation of text on electronic devices, making it possible to input, display, and communicate textual information efficiently and universally.

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