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WEST-E World Languages (100) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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WEST-E Designated World Languages Sample Test

1 of 5

A sentence is a group of words that has a subject and predicate, and expresses a complete idea. In the sentence, "The snow falls quietly," which part of the sentence is the predicate?

Correct Answer:
falls quietly
in the sentence "the snow falls quietly," the predicate is "falls quietly."

the predicate of a sentence typically tells us what the subject does, what is done to the subject, or what the condition of the subject is. it is a crucial component that complements the subject of the sentence, which in this case is "the snow."

the predicate "falls quietly" is made up of two parts: the verb "falls" and the adverb "quietly." the verb "falls" is the main verb of the sentence and is what is known as the simple predicate. the simple predicate is the core of the predicate and is essential for the construction of a basic sentence. in this example, it indicates the action being performed by the subject, "the snow."

the adverb "quietly" modifies the verb "falls" by describing how the action is being carried out. adverbs in predicates provide additional details about the action or state of the subject and serve to enrich the meaning conveyed by the sentence.

in summary, "falls quietly" forms the complete predicate of the sentence by stating the action of the subject and detailing the manner in which this action is performed. the simple predicate, "falls," is the primary verb that drives the sentence's meaning, while "quietly" enhances our understanding of how the action is taking place. together, they provide a full commentary on the subject, completing the idea that the sentence intends to convey.

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