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NAVTA AVA (AVA) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge

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NAVTA Approved Veterinary Assistant Sample Test

1 of 5

Which of the following bowel evacuating drugs are most potent in their action?

Correct Answer:

the terms laxatives, cathartics, and purgatives are often used to describe substances that help in the evacuation of the bowels, but they differ in the intensity of their action.

laxatives are the mildest form among these. they are primarily used to prevent and treat constipation, making stool easier to pass by softening it or increasing its bulk. they work more slowly and gently compared to the other two categories. examples of laxatives include fiber supplements, stool softeners, and osmotic agents like polyethylene glycol.

cathartics are a step up in potency from laxatives. they stimulate bowel movements more aggressively than laxatives, often causing stool to become more liquid. cathartics can be used when a more pronounced effect than that provided by laxatives is necessary, such as in cases of more severe constipation.

purgatives are the most potent among these three types of bowel-evacuating agents. they induce a rapid evacuation of the bowels, producing a watery evacuation within a short period. purgatives are often used in preparation for medical procedures like colonoscopies, where a completely clear bowel is required. due to their strong effects, purgatives should be used with caution as they can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

thus, when comparing the potency of these bowel evacuation drugs, purgatives are the most potent, followed by cathartics, and then laxatives. it is important for individuals to choose the appropriate type based on their specific health needs and under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

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