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Nurse Manager Certification Requirements: All You Need to Know


A Nurse Going Through Nurse Manager Certification Requirements

As we progress in our careers, it is only normal to be looking for better, higher-paying, advanced roles. The nursing field certainly has opportunities for advancement, and nursing management is one of the opportunities.

However, because of how highly esteemed and responsible the job is, you must meet certain requirements

If you want to get into this field and want to know what you need to achieve, here is a list of nurse manager certification requirements.

What Makes a Good Nurse Manager?

1. Level of Education

First of all, the level of education needed is at least a master’s degree. However, some hospitals allow for nurses with a Bachelor’s in Science in Nursing to become administrators/managers as well.

What isn’t required, but is often recommended by nurse managers themselves is a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA). Many of them have said that the knowledge and skills they have acquired through this degree have been invaluable in the quality of their work and self-confidence in their new positions.

2. Qualities

It’s important to note that a leadership role in this department implies that you won’t be bedside with your patients as much anymore. Instead, you will need to spend more time on administrative duties.

That means that not all great nurses will also be great nurse managers.

The qualities required for a management role somewhat differ from those characterizing a good nurse. Here’s what you’re looking for:

  • Good organizer - Since you will be tasked with creating schedules for your nursing department, you need to have a sense of organization of larger groups of people. How well the whole hospital will run, depends, in part, on how you do this task.

  • Clinical expertise and experience - To be able to understand the people you’re working with, you have to have been in their shoes. That means both a good number of years working as a regular nurse, but also having acquired exceptional clinical skills in that time frame.

    That way, you’ll be able to detect other people’s skills better and know what to appoint them to.

  • Perceptiveness - This one ties to the previous quality but isn’t entirely synonymous.

    Smooth running in a hospital is a nuanced and complex deal, and as a person in a managerial position, you need to be able to spot when things aren’t going the way they should, if people are having issues fulfilling their duties, etc.

  • Leadership - One of the most important qualities a nurse manager can have is being a good leader. That means being incredibly well-informed about the ins and outs of the hospital system, your employees, and your capabilities, to fulfill the goals of the institution you’re working for.

    You need to be confident in making decisions and seeing them through, but also flexible and understanding enough for your employees to trust and respect you.

  • Quick thinking - Many things can go wrong in the hospital in the blink of an eye, not to mention the numerous day-to-day situations that can quickly put you out of your comfort zone.

As a nurse manager, you need to be able to roll with the punches and adjust not only yourself but also the whole team of nurses working under you. Quick thinking can save lives and money.

Nurse Manager Certification Requirements

Now that you know what makes a good nurse, you also need to know what is required of you to obtain a nurse manager certificate.

The American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) offers the Certified Nurse Manager and Leader (CNML) credential which is suited for practicing Registered Nurses (RN) in leadership and management roles.

It is comprised of 115 questions spread out into four sections:

  1. The four core principles of financial management
  2. Human resource management
  3. Performance improvement
  4. Strategic management and technology.

The Requirements

This one goes without saying - you have to have a valid RN license.

When it comes to prior education and working experience required to take these tests, there are a few options:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree with 2,080 hours of experience as a nurse manager
  • Non-nursing bachelor’s degree along with 3,120 hours of nurse manager experience
  • Diploma or associate degree in nursing plus 5,200 hours of nurse manager experience
  • Minimum of 500 faculty-supervised clinical practice hours

Nurse Manager Certification Requirements - BSN.

Need Help Getting Ready For Exams?

Understanding the nurse manager certification requirements is crucial for anyone looking to advance their career in nursing leadership.

Meeting these requirements can be challenging, but you can confidently move forward in your certification journey with the right preparation tools.

If you need effective assistance to prepare for your nursing management exam, look no further than Exam Edge.

We offer comprehensive CNML practice tests that simulate the real exam experience, complete with detailed explanations for each question to help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement.

Check out the #1 online test prep and start your preparations now!

Related Practice Tests

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